It’s Been Awhile…

That was a great song by Staind. I saw Aaron Lewis do a one-man acoustic show at the Hard Rock a few years ago. He’s a really talented guy. Anyway, I digress…

It’s been awhile since I’ve written. I have been in absolute HELL with no sign of it letting up at all. When I discuss being in hell, it usually means I am dealing with something to do with my piece of shit condo. Yes, it’s a piece of shit and I hate that place. I decided to go ahead and take the hit to my credit and do a short sale on it. I am NEVER renting it out again. I am NEVER dealing with an HOA again.

My tenant moved out on April 30 as a mutual agreement between the two of us. I told her I was selling and she said she couldn’t live comfortably in such a racist complex. (Really the whole complex isn’t racist, just the fat-ass condo commando who is president of the condo/HOA association and also lives right below me. ) Obviously she is African-American, and she also has four young children – the oldest three are boys. Generally, I had no problem with them when they were living there. Now I do.

It wasn’t due to the fact that the place is filthy and every door in the place had to be thrown out because it was damaged. Nor was it because strange things were gone – like the handles on the plumbing fixtures such as the kitchen sink, bathroom shower handle, toilet handles, etc. It wasn’t even because of the permanent mildew around the tub in BOTH bathrooms. It’s because of the ROACHES.

I’ve had pest control out every weekend to deal with the MASSIVE German roach infestation. Those fuckers are EVERYWHERE. Even the exterminator was skeeved out when he came. Those things are under the rugs, in the walls, in the stove, in the dishwasher, in the cabinets and in the REFRIGERATOR!!! How do the roaches get in the refrigerator??? It’s so disgusting.

As if the hell of dealing with the roaches wasn’t enough, my *brand new* A/C that I purchased in September 2007 stopped working. When I had the a/c company out to look at and repair it, it was discovered that the A/C I purchased is no longer attached to my condo. It is now located at the far north end of my building attached to someone else’s unit. It is a 2.5 ton condenser that is on the roof of my two-story condominium building. How does this happen?

Well, here’s my guess: at the beginning of 2008 the HOA decided to put new roofs on the buildings. I THINK that the roofers contracted an A/C company to move the units, and that company did not mark the units and just randomly reattached them to the condos. Seems the most likely scenario, right? Of course not, according to the HOA. I notified them of what happened, and chased after them for 10 days to find out the status of their investigation. They did very little to find out what happened, but came back and told me there was no way the roofers would move the A/C units located on the roof to re-roof the building. Nor would they contract anyone to do this. WTF??

So, I asked the girl at the property management’s office if the A/C fairy just up and moved the unit by itself. You have to hire a giant crane to move these units…how else would a 1000lb piece of equipment get moved over 100 feet? She told me this was no laughing matter (duh) and to file a police report. I wanted to reach through the phone and bitch slap and then choke her, but I hung up on her instead.

I did file a police report so we will see what happens. In the mean time, I have absolutely NO air conditioning in the condo here in South Florida…in June. The unit that IS attached to my condo is completely shot – there are even parts missing in it. So I literally can’t sell the condo until I get this crap sorted out. I hope they totally get the CSI unit out and finger print the thing and I hope they find it was the roofers or someone at the condo association. I wish I could make this stuff up, but no, this is my life.